There's a difference between investing and saving. Each has a strategic purpose. When you invest, you're taking capital out of circulation for a period of time with the intent of earning a reasonable return for the amount of volatility you're willing to endure. When you save, you're storing capital to leverage if and when it's needed in the future. Both are critical and have a purpose in a prudent financial plan.

What does it take to be a successful business owner? You've probably seen the daunting statistic regarding the failure rates of most small businesses.
The sad fact is that so few actually make it to their fifth birthday. The businesses that do, that survive well beyond five, ten, fifteen, or even twenty years ... they're the ones that contribute significantly to our country's GDP, and employ most of America's workforce.
But even those that may have some staying power, they're often missing opportunities for increased efficiency and effectiveness. They're often not taking advantage of techniques and strategies that are available to improve cash flow, minimize income tax burdens, and leverage generated income toward a secure retirement. And few have invested the time and energy to plan out the continuity of their business beyond the lifetime of the founder to the next generation. Why?
Because, quite simply, these business owners, these hard working entrepreneurs, don't know about such techniques and strategies. That's where we come in. Our team of professionals has decades of experience helping business owners work toward "success" however they choose to define it.
Business Planning
Cash Flow & Debt Management
Tax Planning Services
Retirement Planning
Legacy Planning
Virtual Family Office

Debt Repayment Strategies
Business Entity Optimization
Partnership Negotiations
Investment Management
Mergers & Acquisitions
Special Situations Planning
Professional service providers such as attorneys, doctors, accountants, and architects have unique challenges facing them as they work toward creating and sustaining thriving businesses. Often they've invested significant time and resources securing specialized expertise to deliver necessary guidance to their clients. Compared to other business owners, they often find themselves getting to the marketplace many years later, after having first spent years acquiring advanced degrees and certifications, and even often after cutting their teeth working for other business owners to learn the ropes.
Regardless of the reason, when and if they ever stop to think about it, professional service providers often find themselves behind. These hard working entreprofessionals, as we call them, can benefit from specialized guidance to deal with these realities. That's where we come in. The COLLINS LAMBERT team has experience tackling these unique challenges and crafting a plan of action to help you work toward what success means to you.

Seasoned Executives
You've likely spent decades climbing the corporate ladder. And it's gotten to the point now that navigating your company benefits is sort of like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without the reference picture to help you figure out what it's even supposed to look like.
Retirement is no longer some long off, distant event to which you barely give any thought. It now occupies a significant portion of your conscious mind. Questions like "Do I Have Enough?" and "What Am I Going To Do Afterward?" create a new form of anxiety that you've never experienced up until now.
Coordinating all the various plans and managing the deadlines for decisions can be difficult, if not nearly impossible, to do on your own. That's where we come in. For over two decades, our team of professionals have been helping seasoned executives to live their lives by design as opposed to by default. Success in this complex landscape is dependent upon integrated planning and coordinated implementation.
Stock Options Analysis
Company Benefits Planning
IRA Rollover Services
Professional Asset Management
Deferred Compensation Analysis
Retirement Glidepath Design

We can't tell you what really matters to you. That's for you to determine. What we can do, though, is to help you to be able to focus on what really matters to you by relieving you from the burdens of managing the many challenges that wealth creates. We refer to it as the sleep at night factor. We strive to help you sleep well at night, so that your days are free to invest with your family, your friends, your work, and all of the other things that bring you joy in life.

About Us
In 2007, two seasoned financial professionals just happened to sit down next to each other at an industry conference they were both attending in Salt Lake City, Utah. After the hello's and the handshakes, they came to learn that they were practically neighbors back home on the East Coast.
Their conversation quickly uncovered a shared belief that financial guidance that matters requires a financial planning based approach to wealth management. And that discussion ultimately sparked a year's long due diligence to determine how Edward Collins and David Lambert might be able to merge their two independent financial planning practices together into one larger firm, creating a synergy that would provide a better value-added experience for clients.
In 2008, that vision became a reality. Artisan Wealth Management was born. Over a decade had passed and the team grew from serving clients in New Jersey to those spread out all across the country. That growth was directly attributable to the expanding services the team offers and the relentless advocacy of clients.
After years of strategic service enhancements and reimagined wealth management delivery, January of 2019 marked Artisan Wealth Management's evolution to COLLINS LAMBERT an Integrated Wealth Management firm. Powered by our proprietary WEALTHWISDOM Formula, COLLINS LAMBERT is a team that clients can trust to help them live the lives they really want. Sure, there's huge value to delayed gratification. However, tomorrow is promised to no one. So the COLLINS LAMBERT team works to help clients to live life today while safeguarding their financial well being for their respective tomorrows. Our guiding philosophy is captured in the following phrase:
No One Wants To Have To Get Wealthy Twice
The COLLINS LAMBERT team has helped numerous clients build and preserve real wealth. There have been ups and downs in the Markets. There have been volumes of tax law changes. The economy has expanded and contracted and expanded again. And through it all, our professionals continue to grow our reach to allow us to provide financial guidance that matters to discerning clients all across the country.
Financial Planning Services
Core to our services is providing our clients with guidance toward their financial goals and objectives. That starts with the development of a solid financial plan.
Asset Management
We work to simplify the often complex world of investing for our clients. Optimizing both asset allocation and asset location is central to our risk management approach.
Wealth Management
Significant wealth requires a formal plan to both preserve that wealth during your lifetime and to have a say in its ultimate disposition after your passing. Asset protection and legacy planning are key components to a sound wealth management plan.
Specialized Services
Every client is unique and we craft services aimed at assisting them with the challenges their unique circumstances create. The benefit of being a boutique firm is that these specialized services can be crafted after consultation with our clients.
The Ensemble
COLLINS LAMBERT has purposefully structured itself to leverage the advantages of the ensemble-based approach to offering clients guidance within their financial lives. But what is the ensemble-based approach?
Each of the team members at COLLINS LAMBERT have an extensive background in providing clients with financial guidance. Alone, they are well positioned to lead each client in their individual journeys toward financial success. However, a client of COLLINS LAMBERT doesn't just get the experience of their individual wealth management liaison. Every COLLINS LAMBERT client benefits from the combined knowledge and experience of each team member. That's the power of an ensemble.
We invite you to meet the wealth advisors whose combined knowledge and experience is leveraged with the goal to benefit every individual COLLINS LAMBERT client relationship: